
Our mission is to help heart-led businesses, small businesses, soulpreneurs, teachers and practitioners make an impact in the world, by creating an online space to connect to your dream client

Flowers are great teachers, representing the cycles we experience in nature and in life. For a flower to bloom, they must have deep nourished roots to sustain themselves. Their leaves and stems must stand tall to absorb the rays of the sun and the elements. 

There are many different symbolisms for flowers; friendship, strength, beauty, happiness, prosperity and thoughtfulness. But across many cultures flowers are seen as an offering, a gesture of love. They show us how to live and work in harmony with other life, sharing joy while pollinating and sustaining all life.

Flowers are feminine in spirit, healers of our mind, body and spirit. and that which binds the earth. They are admired for their beauty, in the same way the feminine is admired.

Floral symbolism has long been associated with femininity across art and literature. Painting flowers was a way women were able to establish careers during the seventeenth century.

Flowers represent the core values of Blossom & Bloom, in how we work, how we wish to collaborate and co-create. In essence they represent working in a more feminine way, in a softer, more compassionate and collaborative way with ourselves, each other and the planet.

Like we see in nature and in life, we move in cycles, not in a completely linear way which we so often see in modern society. We understand that your business will also move in cycles. Your ideas and visions will evolve over time, as you consider the seeds you wish to sow and nourish your own roots, so your flowers can bloom.

We honour a cyclical rhythm in our business so we can reflect the same patience and care into your business, allowing you to evolve and grow. We are here to fuel and support your vision with so much love, joy and enthusiasm. We are passionate about creating sacred digital spaces that reflect integrity and authenticity so your community feels this too.



A foundation of love and care


Fuelled by enthusiasm


Start with intention


Soulful business that’s professional


Co-creation allows magic


Capturing your essence


Hello, I’m Fiona or Fi

A wallflower with a big heart and bigger dreams, I love to romanticise life and see the beauty in all. I’m passionate about living a life that supports our wellbeing, so we can live a little more presently, joyfully and in rhythm with our true nature.

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial mindset, questioning the status quo and asking why? at any opportunity. A creative at heart but with a deeply analytical mind - a powerful combination.

Growing up I spent much of my time in the garden surrounded by small animals. At school I was found in the art room painting butterflies and flowers. During French class, there was no translation for Fiona; I was offered Fleur as an alternative. I started my working life in a flower shop. And I now see these were all seeds of intention guiding me to a deeper soul mission.

Fast forward some years, I began pouring a strong work ethic into a corporate career for 10 years. I loved working in digital marketing which offered experience in digital strategy, business processes and access to various softwares. I had wonderful opportunities to work with many successful businesses and learn alongside talented teams

There had always been a yearning in my heart, to explore so I took a late gap year/ early retirement / a break to recalibrate and contemplate. I realised I’d been living in a state of chronic stress, many of us can relate to.

I continued to freelance as I pursued my passion for yoga, completing a number of teacher training courses. This inspired me to follow a yogic path and align with the rhythms of nature.

My journey to become a freelance web designer started over 13 years ago when I created my own a number of blogs (health and food ofc) and then onto my own website as a yoga teacher.

Blossom & Bloom organically came into existence as I was invited to help others define their services while creating their brand and website. It became clear this was a soul journey; to use the skills I’d acquired and help the many gifted practitioners and soulful businesses I met, share their message and ultimately bring more balance into the world.

Starting my own wellness business, I understand that inner work is often required, as we face fear and self-doubt. Our businesses regularly reflect the personal work we undertake.

I’ve found from combining my experience in business and yoga, I’m able to identify your gifts, empower your ideas and solidify your services so you can identify and connect with your soul client.

When I’m not building websites, you will find me either dancing or moving around my yoga mat, sipping cacao or tea, reading and finding ways to nurture my wanderlust spirit.

With love,


“A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too.”

Miranda Kerr