Online Marketing

Connect with a new audience and purposefully expand your heart-led services to create a bigger impact.

You’re ready to grow your community and create impact, but don’t have the time or skill to do it alone.

Ethical Marketing is not about selling products but about making a positive impact


  • Optimise your website by improving the relevancy of your content and keyword targeting, so your conscious client can find you. A cost effective way to increase website traffic and share your services with your customer.

  • Enhance your brands presence with social media, while also improving communication within your community. Let us help you to develop a social media strategy so you have a creative and scheduling plan in place.

  • Grow your community with purposeful paid ads. With vast experience in paid advertising across Meta and Google ads, we will intentionally use your budget, develop targeting strategies and advise on creative that effectively communicates your brand personality.

Conscious Marketing is not about selling products but about creating change, leading with integrity & authenticity, committed to sustainability and serving community.

  • I have absolutely loved working with Fiona. She has (figuratively) held my hand whilst I navigate the daunting world of social media marketing for my business. Her creative inspiration and practical expert guidance have lead to a 3-fold increase in customer engagement on Instagram. Although our online marketing strategy is still unfolding, we are super happy with the early KPIs.

    Ashley @ Ygeia

Ready to grow your business?

Lets grow your community by authentically and intentionally sharing your purpose and passion.

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”

— Henri Matisse