The Best Way to Create a Website for your Small Business

If you’re looking to build a website for your small business, this blog will explain what you need to create a good website design. 

How you make your website for a small business,  involves a combination of aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. 

Here's what you need to focus on:

1. Clear Purpose and Audience Understanding:

  • Purpose: Determine what the website is meant to achieve e.g. inform, sell, bookings

  • Audience: Understand who will be using the site and tailor the design to meet your audiences needs and preferences 

  • Part of our design process focuses on delving into your Why so your purpose, audience and intention are clear from the start. This process offers a foundation for your branding, website design and future marketing.

2. User Experience (UX):

  • Intuitive Navigation: Users should easily find what they are looking for. Clear headings and titles, a logical structure, and consistent navigation elements will allow your audience to flow through your website with ease.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure the website looks and works well on different devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones). Over 61.8% of users will browse and book through mobile. We use Squarespace as each site is easily designed to be full responsive to mobile.

  • Fast Loading Times: Optimise images, use efficient coding practices, and leverage caching to reduce load times.

  • Accessibility: Design for all users, including those with disabilities. Use proper alt tags, semantic HTML, and ensure readability.

best way to create a website

Example of website for small business.

3. Visual Design:

  • Consistent Branding: Use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your brand’s identity. Part of our website design process is creating a beautiful and professional brand which represents your personality and allows your audience to connect with your energy and your vision.

  • Whitespace: Balance content with empty space to avoid clutter and enhance readability.

  • Typography: Use easy-to-read fonts with a clear hierarchy (e.g., headings, subheadings, body text). We ensure this is clarified during the brand and design process. 

  • Imagery and Graphics: Use high-quality images and graphics that complement the content and brand. We would recommend using a professional photographer to enhance your imagery and ensure consistency across your website.

4. Content:

  • Relevant and Engaging Content: Ensure the content is valuable, engaging, and aligned with the site’s purpose. Consider the intention of each page and how you wish for your audience to respond.

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Guide users towards specific actions (e.g., signing up, purchasing) with well-placed and clear CTAs. This ties into the intention of your website and each page.

5. Technical Aspects:

  • SEO Optimisation: Implement on-page SEO techniques like meta tags, keywords, and alt text to improve search engine ranking.

  • Secure and Stable: Ensure the site is secure (SSL certificates, strong passwords) and performs reliably with minimal downtime.

  • Scalability: Design with the future in mind. The site should be easy to update and expand as needed. We ensure you have a clear site structure in place tat aligns with the direction and future focus of your business. 

6. Testing and Feedback:

  • User Testing: Conduct usability testing to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensure the website works well across different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).

7. Maintenance:

  • Regular Updates: Keep content, design, and security features up-to-date.

  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor performance and make data-driven improvements. As part of our web design services we offer ongoing maintenance so you can leave the heavy lifting to us.

Balancing these elements can help create a visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly website that meets both business goals and user needs. If you are a small business looking to create a website, drop us a message, we would love to see how we can help.


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