Business & Branding

Reveal your soulful services, discover your dream audience so we can manifest your heart-led business and brand together.

Clarify your services so you can connect to your soul aligned tribe 

A holistic approach to branding and business; combining spirituality, strategy and creativity to form your soulful business 

Are you in the process of creating a soulful business?

You’ve completed your training and feel inspired to share your knowledge and experience.

You’re a healer at heart and know you have a soul mission to create change.

But you’re unclear what your services are or what it is you’re here to share?

Or you’ve been sharing your services and business for a while.

But you’re inspired to level up, with professional branding.

Either way you’re ready to create an offering that aligns with your heart, captures your essence and supports a greater cause.


  • Delve into your why? Understand your intention and the inspiration behind your offering so we can gain clarity on your vision and mission, define your service and understand who you are here to serve.

  • Get to know who you are serving, understand your client and their needs. Connect your services with your client so you can communicate your vision effectively.

  • The fun part! An opportunity to tap into the essence of your business and use your intention to know how you will communicate with your client.

  • A graphic to represent your brand and essence, used across all of your marketing activity.

  • Taking inspiration from nature, to convey the spirit of your business with a custom selected colour palette that complements your style and imagery.

  • Show the style of our business with bespoke font pairings to use across your website and marketing material, showing consistency and professionalism.

  • Developed in Canva, you will have branded templates, to ensure your website and social media are aligned. This also improves your content process so your creativity can flow.

  • Fi’s approach was warm, confident and trustworthy. She took the time to ask lots of questions to understand who I was as a person and a brand. Fi was clear in her communication with the steps required in order to get to a website, which inspired lots of confidence in me as I had no idea! Not only this, but the simple act of exchanging ‘who I am’ with Fi helped to clarify ‘what I do’. She translated this information and intuitively created a coherent theme which I am really proud of and love.

    Sophie Leone

We plant the seeds so your clients can admire the roses

Save time and allow us to co-create a business aligned with your soul purpose that has visual consistency with a beautiful brand and design.

The Brand & Business Process



You are now clear about your purpose and your services. Weaving image, colour and symbolism together we will create a vision that represent the design and essence of your business. A mood board will be created to guide your brand story and design of your branding kit.

  1. Discovery

Explore the intention behind your vision and mission, with a branding questionnaire. We will meet to dive deeper into the purpose of your business. If it resonates, we will journey with cacao to connect with your soul intentions and fuel a creative and heart-ful planning session


Your Story

With your services and the feel of your business becoming clear, it’s now time to create the message you wish to share. Together we will develop content which allows you to communicate your offering and personality to your dream client.



Hurrah! You now have brand kit and design to stylishly and professionally present yourself to your soul tribe. You will be clear of your services and how you wish your audience to feel when they connect with you

Soulful Business & Branding Offerings

The Seedling Offering

The Seedling package is the perfect place to start, setting the foundations of your business with a discovery workshop to delve into your purpose and vision. We will define your pillars of service and dream client paving a clear path for your business. You will receive a mini brand package which will include a mood board and one logo design.

The Blossom Offering

You will receive clarity of your businesses vision, mission and dream client. A brand kit will be offered conveying your brand personality and a story that allows your audience to feel the intention of your business. Carefully aligned colours and synchronised fonts can be challenging so we will streamline this for you to create a soulful and professional brand. This package includes mood boarding, colour palette, font system and logo design.

The Bloom Offering

Create cohesive branding across all elements of your business. The perfect package to establish your brand alongside other business developments, such as your website. A full branding kit will be provided in just 10 days that shares your brand personality and how this will align. Includes mood boarding, colour palette, font system and logo, social media templates and photography guidance for your website.

“Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower”

John Harrigan

Ready to lay the foundations of your business?

Let’s blend spirit and strategy to create a holistic brand and business and reach your conscious client.